Learn how to easily add Adobe Fonts to Figma and use it to make your designs stand out. Follow simple steps, get pro tips, and improve your typography quickly!
Learn how to perform a Google reverse image search on mobile devices using photos from your camera roll to search for similar images or find the image source.
Smart marketers use social media scheduling tools to save time, stay consistent, and boost engagement effortlessly. Learn how it helps achieve marketing goals.
Microsoft Word’s built-in plagiarism checker is called similarity checker but you need Microsoft 365 to use it. Here is all you need to know.
Plagiarized content on your website devalues quality and can lower search ranking as well. In rare and extreme cases Google may deindex your site.
Using a small text generator for social media posts helps you stand out from the crowd with eye-catching captions and bios.
A plagiarism checker can help you automate checking your assignments for duplicate content. It saves you time and also gets you the grades you deserve.
Plagiarism can result in failing your course, or even getting banned from publishing papers. Know the 8 common types of plagiarism to avoid.