5 Benefits of Plagiarism Checker for Students

By Alvi Ahmed

Updated: December 23, 2024, 5 min read

Staring at a blank screen while your assignment deadline is fast approaching can be daunting. And it is hard to fight the urge to just copy someone else’s assignment.

However, universities check for plagiarism in students' assignments all the time. If you get caught plagiarizing, you can also face serious consequences like failing the course or expulsion.

Do not have to worry, though. You can use a free plagiarism checker for students to ensure your assignment is completely original. Not only do these tools check for plagiarism, but there are more benefits as well. Let’s dive in!

Benefits Of Using a Plagiarism Checker

Keeping track of every article you read, every video you watch for your assignment is tough. Remembering to cite them all is even more so.

Using a plagiarism checker makes it super easy to avoid duplicate content and catch citation mistakes. It can:

1. Save You From Academic Penalties

You will most likely use online articles, and other resources to do research for your paper or assignment. If you do not cite them properly, you will be flagged for plagiarism and that will cause you to lose marks or even get the assignment rejected.

If the offense is serious enough, you even risk getting expelled. Needless to say, you do not want any of that. However, there is a bright side to this. Students often simply forget to use quotation marks or do not cite properly.

These can be easily fixed by running your assignment through a plagiarism checker before submitting it.

2. Improves Your Writing Skills

Using plagiarism checkers also helps improve your writing skills. If you want to avoid plagiarism (and you should at all costs), you will need to come up with original ideas.

You will also need to do your own research, write in your own voice, and maintain proper grammar. This is good practice to improve your writing skills as well.

3. Save You Time

Manually cross checking your work with your source and reference materials is a tedious process. Imagine how long that will take. Plagiarism checkers saves you time by automating this process and checks against a huge database.

You simply paste your assignment into the text-box and click “Check Plagiarism". That is all you have to do.

CopyChecker plagiarism checker screenshot

Within a couple of seconds your document has been checked with millions of sources. This is one of the key benefits of plagiarism checking tools.

You will see a comprehensive report too. There are also instant text highlights of problematic sections, and source validation. So, you instantly know which sections you need to change.

4. Help You Learn Proper Citation

Proper citation and using quotations where needed is the easiest way to avoid plagiarism. An online plagiarism checker helps you learn citations by pointing out where you missed them.

There are different citation styles like APA, MLA, Chicago Styles, and more. Each with different guidelines and rules.

You will be flagged if you do not add citations according to these guidelines specified. Even if you copied some text verbatim and forgot quotation marks, it will catch that.

This makes it easy to know whether you have any citation issues. You will learn how to do proper citations pretty quickly in this process as well.

5. Protect Your Reputation

Many students aspire to build a career in academia and research. Reputation in academia is crucial.

Submitting your assignments plagiarism free creates a positive impression with your professors. Not to mention, you also maintain the integrity of your work. All these can lead you to more research and work opportunities.

By the way, if you are interested in going into research, check whether you can aid your professors during theirs. This can be a good way to get your foot in the door.

Should You Pay For a Plagiarism Checker As a Student?

For most essays you will write in school, CopyChecker’s free plagiarism checker is all you need. You can search up to 1,000 words at a time – as many times as you want. It also gives you detailed reports and text highlighting.

If you want to pay for additional features like higher word limit, Grammarly or Turnitin are another option. However, these have features that you might not even need.

Universities Use Plagiarism Checkers To Check Assignments?

All schools and universities heavily penalize plagiarism. Getting caught plagiarizing in school can lead to serious consequences like:

  • Getting a lower grade
  • Having to redo the assignment
  • Failing the course
  • Getting expelled

Check your school’s code of conduct. There is likely a section on how they deal with plagiarized submission. Here is what New York University says about plagiarism on their website.

NYU students' code of conduct

Some percentage of ‘plagiarized content’ is allowed, though. How plagiarism checkers work is by searching for patterns and matches.

If there are commonly used phrases or quotes, it will get flagged as plagiarism. Using a plagiarism detector tool makes it easy to check whether you are being flagged for anything serious.

How Does AI Fit Into All This?

AI generated submissions can be counted as plagiarism too. Advanced plagiarism checkers can catch AI generated writing as well.

In 2025, it is hard to ignore AI, though. You and most of your peers probably already use AI for schoolwork.

That is okay.

The problem is only when you use chatGPT to write the entire thing for you. Use a plagiarism checking tool to catch problematic sections in your assignments before submitting it.

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Alvi Ahmed
Writer & Tech Enthusiast
I am a technology and business writer for CopyChecker. My work explores the evolving dynamics of innovation and strategy, combining my passion for tech with an analytical approach.
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