July 18, 2023

How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper Using Copychecker

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Richard Wu
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Imagine the exhilarating feeling of reaching the final chapter of a captivating book—the sense of closure, the satisfaction of connecting all the dots, and the anticipation of what lies beyond the last page.

Similarly, a research paper's conclusion serves as the culmination of an intellectual journey—a place to tie together all the findings and insights. Crafting a powerful conclusion requires finesse and clarity, for it leaves a lasting impression on the reader's mind.

In this guide, we will explore the art of writing an impactful conclusion for a research paper, and along the way, we will also introduce you to Copychecker—a trusty plagiarism checker that ensures the originality and authenticity of your work.

What is a Conclusion?

Before delving into the intricacies of conclusion writing, it is vital to grasp the essence of this critical section. A conclusion is the final segment of a research paper that provides a concise summary of the entire study, encapsulating the key points and establishing a sense of closure.

It is a moment of reflection, allowing the author to highlight the significance of their research and how it contributes to the existing body of knowledge.

Types of Conclusions for Research Papers

Summarizing Conclusion: This type of conclusion emphasizes a concise recapitulation of the main ideas presented throughout the research paper. It reiterates the core arguments, findings, and overall purpose of the study.

Externalizing Conclusion: In an externalizing conclusion, the writer goes beyond the scope of the paper and broadens the perspective to include implications and applications of the research in a real-world context.

Editorial Conclusion: An editorial conclusion takes a subjective approach, allowing the writer to express personal opinions, suggestions, or recommendations based on their research.

Importance of a Good Conclusion

A well-crafted conclusion is more than just a summary—it leaves a lasting impression on readers. It reinforces the main message of the research paper, highlights the relevance of the study, and creates a sense of completeness for the audience.

A strong conclusion can sway readers' opinions, solidify the credibility of the research, and inspire further exploration of the topic.

Introduction to Copychecker

Before we dive into the intricacies of writing a conclusion, let's take a moment to introduce you to Copychecker—a reliable plagiarism checker that plays a vital role in ensuring the integrity of your research.

Copychecker scans your document for duplicated content across the internet and academic databases, helping you identify and rectify unintentional plagiarism.

With Copychecker, you can be confident that your work is original, authentic, and free from ethical concerns.

Benefits of Using Copychecker Plagiarism Checker for a Good Conclusion

Enhanced Originality: Copychecker ensures your conclusion, as well as the entire research paper, is free from any traces of plagiarism. This enhances the originality and uniqueness of your work, leaving no room for doubt about its authenticity.

Academic Integrity: Plagiarism is a serious academic offence that can lead to severe consequences. By using Copychecker, you uphold academic integrity and demonstrate your commitment to producing ethical and honest research.

Time-Efficient: Copychecker swiftly scans your document and generates a comprehensive plagiarism report. This saves valuable time, allowing you to focus on perfecting your research paper's conclusion.

How to Write a Conclusion for Your Research Paper

Restate Your Research Topic: Begin the conclusion by restating the research topic or question. This helps readers remember the main focus of your study.

Restate the Thesis: Remind the audience of your research's central argument or thesis statement. However, avoid repeating it word-for-word; instead, rephrase it to keep the conclusion fresh and engaging.

Summarize the Main Points of Your Research: Concisely summarize the key points or findings discussed in the paper. Focus on the most relevant and impactful aspects of your study.

Connect the Significance or Results of the Main Points: Discuss the broader implications of your research and how it contributes to the field of study. Emphasize the significance of your findings and their relevance in a broader context.

Conclude Your Thoughts: End the conclusion with a thought-provoking statement that leaves a lasting impression on your readers. You may also suggest avenues for future research or invite further exploration of the topic.

General Rules for a Conclusion of a Research Paper

Be Concise: Keep your conclusion clear and to the point. Avoid introducing new information or delving into unnecessary details.

Maintain Consistency: Ensure that your conclusion aligns with the introduction and the overall tone of your research paper.

Avoid First-Person Pronouns: While an editorial conclusion allows for personal opinions, in general, avoid using first-person pronouns in a research paper conclusion to maintain objectivity.

Things to Avoid in a Conclusion

New Information: Introducing new facts or evidence in the conclusion can confuse readers and disrupt the coherence of your paper.

Apologies: Avoid apologizing for any limitations in your research. Instead, focus on highlighting the strengths and contributions of your study.

Research Paper Conclusion Example

Let's illustrate the concepts discussed above with a fictional research paper on the effects of social media on mental health:

[Example conclusion text]

In conclusion, this study sheds light on the intricate relationship between social media usage and mental well-being. The research has demonstrated a significant correlation between excessive social media consumption and increased feelings of loneliness and anxiety. As we grapple with the consequences of our hyperconnected world, it becomes imperative for individuals and society to find a balance between digital engagement and genuine human connection.

With Copychecker's seal of originality, we can confidently assert the authenticity of this research. This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge surrounding the impact of social media on mental health, calling for further research and the mindful use of digital platforms in the pursuit of human happiness and well-being.


What is Copychecker, and how does it work?

Copychecker is a plagiarism checker tool that scans your documents for duplicated content across the internet and academic databases. It utilizes sophisticated algorithms to compare your work with vast repositories of information, identifying any potential matches or similarities, and ensuring the originality and authenticity of your research.

Why is a conclusion important in a research paper?

The conclusion is crucial in a research paper as it provides a concise summary of the entire study, reiterates the main arguments, and establishes a sense of closure for the reader. A well-crafted conclusion reinforces the study's significance, leaving a lasting impression and inspiring further interest in the topic.

Can I include personal opinions in a research paper's conclusion?

Yes, in an editorial conclusion, you can express personal opinions, suggestions, or recommendations based on your research. However, in most cases, it is essential to maintain objectivity and avoid using first-person pronouns in the conclusion to ensure a professional and unbiased tone.

Is it acceptable to introduce new information in the conclusion?

No, the conclusion should not include new information or evidence that has not been previously discussed in the main body of the research paper. The conclusion's purpose is to summarize and highlight the key points of the study, not to introduce new concepts.

How can Copychecker benefit my research writing?

Copychecker offers several benefits to research writers. It ensures the originality of your work by detecting and addressing unintentional plagiarism and upholding academic integrity. With swift and accurate scans, it saves time and allows you to focus on refining your research paper.


Writing a powerful conclusion for your research paper is an art that requires precision and passion. It is a moment of reflection and consolidation that leaves a lasting impression on your readers.

By following the guidelines outlined here and harnessing the benefits of Copychecker, you can craft a conclusion that not only summarizes your research but also resonates with your audience and inspires further exploration of the subject matter. Happy writing!