November 7, 2023

How To Cite a Wikipedia Article: MLA, APA, And Chicago Style

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Richard Wu
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Wikipedia has become one of the most popular online reference sites with articles on nearly any topic imaginable. However, many schools and institutions prohibit using Wikipedia as a primary source for research papers and projects.

This is mainly because Wikipedia's open editing format means articles lack the same academic rigor as credible published sources. However, completely avoiding Wikipedia is often unrealistic given its breadth and convenience.

Therefore, the key is learning how to utilize Wikipedia properly so that you gain helpful background information while still upholding academic integrity through proper source citation. In this guide, we will cover proper formats for citing Wikipedia articles in the three major style guides – MLA, APA, and Chicago.

How To Cite a Wikipedia Article.webp

With easy-to-follow templates and examples, you'll learn how to seamlessly integrate Wikipedia references into papers and presentations.

Do You Need to Cite Wikipedia Articles?

Whether or not a Wikipedia article needs to be cited depends on how it is utilized in an academic paper. Many schools prohibit using Wikipedia as a primary source or basing arguments solely on Wikipedia content.

This is because Wikipedia's open editing format means articles lack stringent scholarly peer review. However, Wikipedia can still serve as a helpful starting point to gain foundational knowledge on a topic when beginning research.

As long as the core premises or facts are then verified through credible published sources, merely reading Wikipedia articles does not require citation. Wikipedia serves as informal background reading only.

Citations are essential when specific information, statistics, or direct quotes from a Wikipedia article are integrated into a paper. If any distinct facts or passages from a Wikipedia entry are mentioned explicitly, a proper APA, MLA, or Chicago style citation must be included.

In short, Wikipedia does not need to be cited unless specific pieces of information or verbiage are incorporated directly into a paper. Facts or quotes must be attributed appropriately.

Citing Wikipedia in MLA Style

Citing Wikipedia in MLA Style.webp

The Modern Language Association (MLA) style is used for humanities and liberal arts research papers. It provides a streamlined, uniform format for citing sources through parenthetical in-text citations and a Works Cited page. To cite Wikipedia articles in MLA format, you will need the following core components:

  • Article Title
  • Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
  • Date of Last Revision
  • Web Address (URL)

For example, a basic Wikipedia in-text citation would appear as:

  • (“Indonesia,” Wikipedia, 22 Sept. 2022).

On your Works Cited page, you would include a full reference entry in this format:

Use this structure to easily generate MLA citations for any Wikipedia article you reference in a paper!

Quoting Wikipedia in MLA Format

Any quotes taken directly from a Wikipedia article also require proper attribution. The in-text MLA citation would appear as:

  • ("Jakarta is the country's capital and largest city." Wikipedia, 22 Sept. 2022).

Your Works Cited entry would then reflect the name of the specific article section the quote was pulled from:

This level of detail associates the quote with the appropriate content within the Wikipedia page, upholding academic integrity.

Using CopyChecker for Accidental Plagiarism of Wikipedia

When writing a paper, it's easy to forget adding proper citations for Wikipedia content you reference. CopyChecker’s grammar checker as well as plagiarism checker has settings to catch any uncredited passages from Wikipedia that could constitute accidental plagiarism.

Cross checking your paper against all Wikipedia entries to flag duplicate phrasing is a good move. Any percentages above 1% will indicate possible missing citations.

You can also add specific Wikipedia URLs to the Ignore Sources list. This ensures any quoted or paraphrased content from those entries won’t get flagged, since they are properly cited in your paper.

Leverage these settings to verify you’ve attributed any used Wikipedia excerpts!

Citing Wikipedia in APA Style

Citing Wikipedia in APA Style.webp

Drafting papers for science or social science disciplines usually requires following American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines. The APA citation style also uses parenthetical in-text citations pointing to full reference list entries.

Citing Wikipedia in APA Style only requires these core pieces:

  • Article Title
  • Year, Month Date of Last Revision
  • In Wikipedia Online

Your Reference List entry would appear as:

  • Indonesia. (2022, September 22). In Wikipedia online. Retrieved October 24, 2022, from Use this format to easily generate clean APA citations for Wikipedia sources.

Quoting Wikipedia in APA Format

APA also necessitates citing specific article sections when directly quoting a passage. The in-text citation would be:

  • (“Jakarta is the country's capital and largest city” [Geography and Climate section], 2022)

While the Reference List entry would show:

Applying this level of detail ensures credit is given where quotes originate.

Citing Wikipedia in Chicago Style

Citing Wikipedia in Chicago Style.webp

Chicago style citations are commonly used for history, arts, and humanities subjects. They also utilize parenthetical in-text citations pointing to full bibliographic references.

Citing Wikipedia in Chicago style requires:

  • Article Title
  • Publication Date
  • “Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia”
  • URL

The Bibliography entry would appear as:

Use this simplified structure to efficiently generate Chicago style Wikipedia citations.

Quoting Wikipedia in Chicago Format

As with other styles, quoting Wikipedia in Chicago requires noting the specific article section containing the excerpted passage. Your in-text citation would be:

  • (“Jakarta is the country's capital and largest city” [“Geography and Climate”], Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia)

The Bibliography entry would reflect the section name too:

Having the section detail shows clearly where the direct quote originated.

Copychecker's Role in Ensuring Citation Accuracy

Copychecker is an AI-powered writing enhancement platform designed to help writers create clear, mistake-free content. It goes beyond standard grammar checkers by offering robust plagiarism detection, citation analysis, readability metrics, and contextual spelling and grammar corrections.

Writers can use Copychecker's suite of tools at all stages of the writing process to produce publication-ready documents.

Benefits of Using Grammar and Citation Checkers

Benefits of Using Grammar and Citation Checkers.webp

Writing high-quality academic or professional content requires maintaining impeccable grammar, spelling, and citation formatting. However, it is virtually impossible for writers to catch every single mistake in their own work.

Human minds often auto-correct certain errors or skip over them unconsciously. This is where leveraging grammar and citation checking technology provides major value.

Tools like Copychecker supplement human proofreading by algorithmically identifying errors that writers miss. The automation also checks citations comprehensively against style guidelines to verify accuracy.

Whether improving readability, fixing typos, or perfecting citations, using this software gives content an additional layer of refinement. The resulting error-free documents project an image of authority and diligence, impressing readers.

How Copychecker Enhances Citation Accuracy

Detecting Citation Errors

Copychecker has powerful features that check citations against over 10,000 style manuals to catch any formatting inconsistencies. The grammar detector scans in-text citations as well as full references or bibliographies. It flags any issues like:

  • Missing bibliographic entries for cited sources
  • Inconsistent capitalization, punctuation or spacing
  • Improper ordering of elements in a citation
  • Variations between in-text citations and reference entries

The tool explains the exact nature of each citation error so writers can efficiently make corrections. This level of automated analysis ensures no subtle deviations undermine the credibility of cited sources.

Ensuring Consistency in Style

Academic disciplines require adherence to specific citation styles like MLA, APA, or Chicago. Copychecker verifies all citations and references comply with the required format. The tool also checks for uniformity of style across in-text citations and the bibliography.

Detecting variations in citation style is crucial for polished academic papers submitted for publication or grading. Copychecker ensures meticulous consistency from first citation to last.

Addressing Grammar and Writing Issues

In addition to citations, Copychecker scans documents for 300+ types of grammar and stylistic issues. This includes common errors like subject-verb disagreement, pronoun issues, run-on sentences, and passive voice.

The tool provides targeted corrections and explanations to improve the clarity and readability of academic writing. Applying this comprehensive grammar check polish elevates the overall quality of content containing citations.

With advanced grammar correction and citation analysis, Copychecker enables writers to perfectly calibrate their documents’ language and attributive elements. The resulting publication-ready content reflects mastery of writing, research, and style guidelines sure to impress any scholarly audience.


How to cite a Wikipedia article?

To cite a Wikipedia article, include the article title, date of last revision, the phrase "In Wikipedia online," and retrieved date and URL in in-text citations. Full references/entries follow the same formats.

How to cite a Wikipedia article in APA format?

Cite a Wikipedia article in APA format by putting the article title, revision date, the words "In Wikipedia online," and retrieval date in parentheses. The full reference includes the same information plus the URL.

Can I cite Wikipedia on my website?

You can cite Wikipedia on websites to attribute specific facts or quotes to the appropriate Wikipedia article. This should be done sparingly, ideally backing up the information with other sources as well.

Do Wikipedia articles need to be cited?

If directly quoting or referencing facts from a Wikipedia article, it needs to be properly cited. General background reading does not require citation, but specific info/verbiage used does.

Why can't I cite Wikipedia?

Wikipedia should not be cited as a primary academic source because articles lack rigorous scholarly review. However, it can be cited sparingly to attribute any specific details used or quoted. Background reading alone does not require citation.


Wikipedia can provide helpful cursory knowledge to supplement academic papers. However, citing Wikipedia properly is crucial for maintaining research integrity and avoiding charges of plagiarism. Use the simplified templates and examples in this guide to effortlessly generate citations in MLA, APA, Chicago formats.

Whether crafting in-text citations or full references, the key elements stay consistent. Also optimize plagiarism checker settings to detect any passages missing proper attribution. With this citation knowledge, you can keep benefiting from Wikipedia’s breadth of information while appeasing even the strictest professors.

Simply citing Wikipedia properly demonstrates your mastery of academic sourcing standards.