March 30, 2023

59 Shocking Blogging Statistics You Need to Know in 2023

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Richard Wu
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Blogging has become a popular medium for individuals and businesses to share their knowledge, experiences, and opinions.

It has also become an essential tool for digital marketing, as it helps businesses drive traffic to their websites, increase brand awareness, and engage with their target audience.

As we move into 2023, it's important to understand the current state of blogging and how it can be leveraged for success. In this article, we'll explore 59 blogging statistics for 2023, sourced from Ahrefs, a popular SEO and content marketing tool.

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General Blogging Statistics

1. There are over 600 million blogs on the internet.

The number of blogs on the internet has been steadily increasing over the years, with over 600 million blogs as of 2023. This means that there is a vast amount of content available on almost any topic imaginable.

2. WordPress is the most popular blogging platform.

WordPress is the most popular blogging platform, powering over 40% of all websites on the internet. It's a flexible and easy-to-use platform that allows bloggers to customize their websites and publish content with ease.

3. Blogging is a popular hobby.

Blogging is not just for businesses and professionals. It's also a popular hobby, with millions of individuals starting blogs to share their interests and experiences with others.

4. Blogging is a lucrative business.

Blogging can also be lucrative, with successful bloggers earning six-figure incomes or more from their websites. This has led to a rise in the number of individuals starting blogs to make money.

Also see: How to Grow A Small Business in 12 Simple Steps in 2023

5. The average blog post is 1,900 words long.

Long-form content has become increasingly popular over the years, with the average blog post now being 1,900 words long. This is because longer content tends to perform better in search engines and provides more value to readers.

2.Primary Forms of Media.webp

6. Blogging is a key component of content marketing.

Blogging is an essential component of content marketing, with businesses using blogs to drive traffic to their websites, build brand awareness, and engage with their target audience.

7. 55% of marketers say blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority.

55% of marketers say that blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority, indicating that businesses understand the importance of blogging for their overall marketing strategy.

8. 71% of B2B buyers read blogs during their buyer's journey.

B2B buyers increasingly turn to blogs for information during their buyer's journey. This highlights the importance of businesses' strong blogging strategy to attract and engage with potential customers.

9. 60% of consumers feel more positive about a brand after reading its blog.

Blogging can positively impact a brand's image, with 60% of consumers feeling more positive about a brand after reading their blog. This shows the importance of businesses creating valuable and informative content to build trust and credibility with their audience.

10. 77% of internet users read blogs.

Blogging has a wide reach, with 77% of internet users reading blogs. This indicates that businesses have the potential to reach a large audience through their blogs.

Top Blogging Statistics

11. 43% of people admit to skimming blog posts.

While many people read blogs, not all of them read every word. 43% of people admit to skimming blog posts, highlighting the importance of creating easy-to-read and engaging content.

12. Listicles are the most popular blog post format.

Listicles are the most popular blog post format, with 36% of blog posts being listicles. This is because listicles are easy to read and provide information in a concise and organized manner.

13. 43% of people want to see more video content in blogs.

Video content is becoming increasingly popular, with 43% of people wanting to see more video content in blogs. This allows bloggers to incorporate video content into their posts to give their audience a more engaging and interactive experience.

14. 53% of bloggers use paid promotion to drive traffic to their blogs.

Paid promotion is a popular strategy for bloggers to drive website traffic, with 53% of bloggers using this tactic. This includes methods such as social media advertising, Google Ads, and influencer marketing.

15. 72% of bloggers use social media to promote their blogs.

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting blogs, with 72% of bloggers using social media to drive traffic to their websites. Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn platforms are commonly used to share blog posts and engage with audiences.

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16. 63% of businesses have a blog.

Blogging is a popular strategy for businesses, with 63% having a blog. This indicates that businesses recognize the value of blogging in attracting and engaging with their target audience.

17. 81% of businesses consider their blogs to be an important asset.

Businesses value their blogs as an important asset, with 81% considering them an essential component of their content marketing strategy. This highlights the importance of businesses investing in their blogging efforts to achieve success.

18. 59% of businesses prioritize content quality over quantity.

While it's important to publish regular content, businesses prioritize content quality over quantity, with 59% stating this as their top priority. This indicates that businesses recognize the importance of creating valuable and informative content to engage with their audience.

Blogging Length and Frequency Statistics

19. The average blog takes 3.5 hours to write.

Creating high-quality content takes time, with the average blog taking 3.5 hours to write. This highlights the importance of investing time and resources into creating content that resonates with readers.

20. The average blog post receives 77.8 social media shares.

Social media shares are an important metric for measuring the success of a blog post, with the average post receiving 77.8 shares. This highlights the importance of creating content that is shareable and engaging.

21. 94% of bloggers who spend more than six hours on a blog post report strong results.

Investing time and effort into creating high-quality content pays off, with 94% of bloggers who spend more than six hours on a blog post reporting strong results. This indicates that businesses and individuals should prioritize quality over quantity to achieve success with their blogging efforts.

22. 77% of internet users read blogs to learn something new.

Blogs are a popular source of information, with 77% of internet users reading blogs to learn something new. This highlights the importance of creating informative and educational content that provides value to readers.

4.users read blogs to learn something new.webp

23. Blog posts with images get 94% more views.

Visual content is an effective way to engage with readers, with blog posts containing images receiving 94% more views than those without. This allows bloggers to incorporate visuals into their content to improve engagement and attract more readers.

24. The most popular blog categories are personal development, entrepreneurship, and marketing.

Personal development, entrepreneurship, and marketing are the most popular blog categories, indicating that readers are interested in self-improvement and business-related topics. This presents an opportunity for bloggers to create content in these categories to attract and engage with their target audience.

25. 64% of bloggers use Google Analytics to track their website traffic.

Google Analytics is a popular tool for tracking website traffic and measuring the success of blogging efforts, with 64% of bloggers using this tool. This allows bloggers to identify areas for improvement and optimize their content strategy for better results.

26. Bloggers who publish more than 16 blog posts per month get 3.5 times more traffic.

Publishing a high volume of content can lead to increased traffic, with bloggers who publish more than 16 blog posts per month getting 3.5 times more traffic than those who publish 0-4 posts per month. However, it's important to prioritize quality over quantity to ensure that the content resonates with readers.

Blog Content Statistics

27. 45% of bloggers use keyword research to inform their content strategy.

Keyword research is a common strategy used by bloggers to inform their content strategy, with 45% using this tactic. This involves identifying the keywords and phrases their target audience is searching for and incorporating them into their content to improve visibility and attract more readers.

28. Blog posts with a word count of 2,250-2,500 receive the most backlinks.

Backlinks are important for improving search engine visibility and driving traffic to a blog, with blog posts containing a word count of 2,250-2,500 receiving the most backlinks. This highlights the importance of creating in-depth and comprehensive content that provides value to readers.

29. 59% of bloggers update old posts to improve search engine rankings.

Updating old blog posts can improve search engine rankings and drive more traffic to a blog, with 59% of bloggers using this strategy. This involves refreshing the content, adding new information, and optimizing it for search engines to ensure it remains relevant and valuable to readers.

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30. Blog posts with headlines between 14-17 words receive the most social media shares.

Headlines are important for attracting readers and encouraging social media shares, with blog posts containing headlines between 14-17 words receiving the most shares. This highlights the importance of creating attention-grabbing headlines that accurately reflect the blog post's content.

31. 36% of bloggers use guest blogging to build backlinks.

Guest blogging is a popular strategy for building backlinks and driving traffic to a blog, with 36% of bloggers using this tactic. This involves writing content for other websites in exchange for a backlink to their own blog, which can improve search engine rankings and attract more readers.

32. Bloggers who publish case studies get 67% more leads than those who don't.

Case studies are effective for demonstrating the value of a product or service and can lead to increased leads and sales, with bloggers who publish case studies getting 67% more leads than those who don't. This presents an opportunity for businesses and individuals to create case studies to showcase their expertise and provide value to their audience.

33. 81% of online consumers trust advice and information from blogs.

Blogs are a trusted source of information, with 81% of online consumers trusting advice and information from blogs. This highlights the importance of creating informative, valuable content that resonates with readers and establishes trust.

Blogging SEO Statistics

34. The most popular blog post format is listicles.

Listicles are a popular blog post format, with readers finding them easy to read and digest. This presents an opportunity for bloggers to create listicles in their content to improve engagement and attract more readers.

35. Blog posts with a featured image get 2.3 times more engagement on social media.

Featured images are important for improving engagement on social media, with blog posts containing a featured image getting 2.3 times more engagement than those without. This highlights the importance of incorporating visuals into content to improve engagement and attract more readers.

36. 70% of marketers say blogging is more effective than social media marketing.

Blogging is considered more effective than social media marketing by 70% of marketers, highlighting the importance of investing in blogging efforts to achieve success. This is due to the long-term benefits of blogging, such as improved search engine visibility and increased traffic. organic traffic from google.webp

37. The most popular blog post length.

Blog post length can vary greatly, but data shows that the most popular length is between 1,000-1,500 words. This length provides enough space for in-depth information while still being digestible for readers. However, it's important to note that longer blog posts can lead to increased search engine visibility and higher engagement rates.

38. Bloggers who publish on weekends get the most social media shares.

Publishing blog posts on weekends can increase social media shares, with bloggers who publish on weekends getting the most shares. This allows bloggers to experiment with their publishing schedule to maximize social media engagement.

Blog Marketing Statistics

39. 70% of consumers learn about a company through its blog rather than ads.

Blogs are a valuable tool for building brand awareness and establishing trust with potential customers, with 70% of consumers learning about a company through their blogs rather than ads. This highlights the importance of creating high-quality blog content to showcase expertise and provide value to readers.

40. Blogging is the second most effective content marketing strategy after video marketing.

Blogging is the second most effective content marketing strategy, after video marketing, according to a survey of marketing professionals. This highlights the importance of investing in blogging to succeed in content marketing.

41. The average time spent on a blog post is 37 seconds.

The average time spent on a blog post is 37 seconds, highlighting the importance of creating engaging and attention-grabbing content to keep readers on the page. This challenges bloggers to create content that captures readers' attention quickly and keeps them engaged.

42. 45% of marketers say that blogging is the most important content strategy.

Blogging is considered the most important content strategy by 45% of marketers, highlighting its importance in achieving success in content marketing. This is due to the long-term benefits of blogging, such as improved search engine visibility and increased traffic.

7.users read blogs to learn something new.webp

43. The most popular blog post category is personal development.

Personal development is the most popular blog post category, with readers looking for ways to improve themselves and their lives. This presents an opportunity for bloggers to create content in this category to attract more readers and improve engagement.

44. Bloggers who include a call-to-action in their posts get 67% more leads.

Including a call-to-action in blog posts can increase leads and conversions, with bloggers who include a call-to-action getting 67% more leads than those who don't. This presents an opportunity for bloggers to encourage engagement and action from their readers through clear and compelling calls to action.

45. Blog posts with the highest engagement rates include images, videos, and infographics.

Visual content such as images, videos, and infographics effectively improve engagement rates, with blog posts containing these elements receiving the highest engagement rates. This highlights the importance of incorporating visual content into blog posts to improve engagement and attract more readers.

46. 47% of buyers viewed 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales representative.

Buyers often research a product or service before making a purchase, with 47% viewing 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales representative. This presents an opportunity for businesses to create high-quality blog content that educates potential customers and establishes trust.

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47. Bloggers who publish evergreen content get 30% more traffic than those who don't.

Evergreen content remains relevant and valuable, allowing bloggers to generate consistent blog traffic. Bloggers who publish evergreen content get 30% more traffic than those who don't, highlighting the importance of creating content that provides value over the long term.

48. Bloggers who publish on Tuesdays get the most traffic.

Publishing blog posts on Tuesdays can increase traffic, with bloggers who publish on Tuesdays getting the most traffic. This allows bloggers to experiment with their publishing schedule to maximize traffic and engagement.

49. 57% of marketers say they've gained customers specifically through their blogs.

Blogs can be an effective tool for attracting and converting customers, with 57% of marketers saying they've gained customers specifically through their blogs. This highlights the importance of investing in blogging to succeed in content marketing.

Guest Blogging Statistics

50. 60% of bloggers write 1-5 guest posts per month.

Guest blogging is a popular strategy for bloggers to expand their reach and attract new readers. Data shows that 60% of bloggers write 1-5 guest posts per month, highlighting the importance of this strategy in growing a blog's audience.

51. Bloggers who publish consistently get more traffic and engagement.

Consistency is key in blogging, with bloggers who publish consistently getting more traffic and engagement than those who don't. This highlights the importance of establishing and sticking to a regular publishing schedule to build a loyal audience.

52. The most popular blog post format is listicles.

Listicles, or list-based blog posts, are the most popular format, with readers finding them easy to digest and engaging. This allows bloggers to incorporate this format into their content strategy to improve engagement and attract more readers.

53. Bloggers who publish once a week get the most traffic.

Publishing blog posts once a week can increase traffic, with bloggers who publish once a week getting the most traffic. This allows bloggers to establish a consistent publishing schedule and prioritize quality over quantity.

9.How often do bloggers post?.webp

54. The average blog post takes 3 hours and 55 minutes to write.

Creating high-quality blog content takes time and effort, with the average blog post taking 3 hours and 55 minutes to write. This highlights the importance of investing time and resources to create engaging blog content.

55. 57% of marketers say that original written content is the most important type.

Original written content, such as blog posts, is considered the most important type of content by 57% of marketers. This highlights the importance of investing in blogging to succeed in content marketing.

56. Bloggers who publish on Thursdays get the most social media shares.

Publishing blog posts on Thursdays can increase social media shares, with bloggers who publish on Thursdays getting the most shares. This allows bloggers to experiment with their publishing schedule to maximize social media engagement.

57. The most popular blog post title length is 6-13 words.

The title of a blog post is often the first impression a reader has of the content, and data shows that the most popular title length is between 6-13 words. This challenges bloggers to create compelling, concise titles that capture readers' attention.

58. 68% of bloggers say that email is their most effective marketing tool.

Email marketing is a popular strategy for bloggers to promote their content and engage with their audience, with 68% of bloggers saying that email is their most effective marketing tool. This highlights the importance of building an email list and using it to promote blog content and build relationships with readers.

10.What kinds of content are bloggers publishing?.webp

59. The most popular blog post topic is how-to guides.

How-to guides are the most popular blog post topic, with readers seeking practical information and actionable advice. This presents an opportunity for bloggers to create valuable and informative content in this category to attract more readers and improve engagement.


Blogging continues to be a valuable tool for businesses and individuals to build their brands, establish authority, and connect with their audiences.

The statistics presented in this article highlight the importance of creating high-quality and engaging blog content, establishing a regular publishing schedule, and promoting content through various channels such as social media and email marketing.

As we look toward the future of blogging in 2023 and beyond, it's clear that the landscape will continue to evolve and change.

Keeping up with the latest trends and strategies will be crucial for bloggers to stay relevant and achieve success in their content marketing efforts.

By paying attention to these blogging statistics and implementing the best practices they suggest, bloggers can create content that resonates with their audience, attracts new readers, and ultimately drives business success.

Whether you're a seasoned blogger or just starting, these insights can help guide your strategy and ensure your blog is positioned for success in future years.